The Best Practical Easter Gifts for Teens

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white Easter basket with colored eggs on kitchen counter

Easter Baskets for Teens

Do you still put together an Easter basket for your Teen? If so, how do you decide what to give them? It can seem more challenging to figure out what teenagers want compared to putting together simple baskets for younger kids.

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When do you stop giving your kids Easter baskets?

As long as my teens live in my home (and maybe even longer), I want to keep our Easter tradition going. How long will you keep giving Easter baskets to your teens/kids?

I also want Easter to still be a fun holiday. Even though they’re getting older, it’s still fun to wake up to Easter baskets that they get to open.

Easter on a budget

Keep it inexpensive by sticking to needs. On top of saving money, I try not to give my kids things that they don’t need or that will clutter our home.

I feel like Easter is the perfect time to start thinking about things the kids will need over the summer. If you’re on a budget, it’s a great time to give them things that you needed to buy anyways.

Another option is to take advantage of the Dollar Store. The Dollar Tree or similar stores often have fun things that you can use to easily fill up the basket.

Best Practical Easter basket ideas

I’ve put together a list of some fun ideas that hopefully your teen or even pre-teen will love:



  • Suit & Tie
  • Action figure
  • Pokemon cards

Themed Easter Baskets

Another creative idea is to create themed baskets for each kid. Find something they love, such as, a sport, character, TV show, etc. and use that as the theme for the basket.

Unique fillers

It can be cheap to make your basket cute by using simple fillers. You can use the basic Easter grass or find something more unique.

There is also edible Easter grass, crinkle paper, or you can even find colored paper and shred it for your own custom diy grass. Check out several types of unique Easter grass/filler here.

What are you putting in your kids Easter basket?

What will your teens wake up to in their Easter baskets this year? How long will you continue to keep the tradition going?

3 thoughts on “The Best Practical Easter Gifts for Teens”

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